A member of the Professional artistic union. She was born in Leningrad in a family of an officer. Started painting from the early childhood, finished an art school for children. However, her first higher education, in economics, was received in Moscow. Having worked for a few years in management of a joint Russian-Czech company, she decided to switch her profession to the one she had always dreamed of...

Born in Moscow. She received a well-rounded education, graduating from the Moscow State University and the Higher School of Economics with academic degrees. Painting and fine art has captivated her since childhood. She studied in the art studios of the Bulgarian Academy of Arts, the Moscow Architectural Institute and the studios of artists from Moscow and Italy.

She lives and works in Moscow. A member of the International Arts Fund. A member of the Creative Union of artists of Russia. A member of the Professional artists’ Union. She is an active participant in different exhibitions since 2006. Her woks can be found in private collections in Russia and abroad...

Artist, Member of Professional Artists’ Creative Union. «A particular colour saturation and its carefully considered contrast distinguishes the works of Marianna Chaykina». (Lubov Pulikova, Ph.D. in History of Arts, Member of Artists’ Union of Russia)....